Purpose of the SEKAS Constitution Page
Welcome to the SEKAS Constitution page, where you can learn more about our society’s principles and guidelines. It outlines the responsibilities of our members, the structure of our society, and our commitment to upholding ethical and professional standards in our astronomical pursuits.
1) The society shall be called the South East Kent Astronomical Society (S.E.K.A.S. for short).
2) The objects are:
a) encourage and instruct persons interested in astronomy. b) provide facilities for persons to further this interest.
c) keep abreast of astronomical progress.
d) encourage astronomical interests.
3) The objects shall be realized by:
a) the provision of lectures by suitable speakers.
b) the accumulation and use of the society’s astronomical equipment.
c) the provision of a library of astronomical literature.
d) visits to places of astronomical interest.
e) the dissemination of advice and help in the construction or purchase of and use of astronomical equipment.
4) No qualification for membership is required but having joined the society, all members shall be deemed to agree by the rules of the society.
a) These shall fall due on September 1st of each year (the due date) and shall be payable for the whole year. New members joining within 4 months of the forthcoming AGM shall be liable to pay 50% of the annual sub and be eligible to receive society literature from the date of joining. All members having paid the full annual subs shall be entitled to receive the society literature from the previous AGM.
b) Members who have not renewed their membership within 2 months of the due date shall be deemed lapsed members and will not be eligible to participate in the society’s activities until the subscription is paid.
c) The Executive committee reserves the right to terminate the membership of an existing member found to be abusing the society’s equipment or facilities or of bringing the Society into disrepute. No refund of subscription shall be payable to such persons or to members who resign their membership.
d) The amount of annual subscription (and any reductions for juniors etc.) shall be proposed by the executive committee and shall be subject to the approval of the general membership at an Annual General Meeting (AGM) or at an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) convened for that purpose.
e) Members trusted with society equipment or facilities shall be responsible for loss or damage, accidental or otherwise and shall make good the loss or damage by replacement or repair to the satisfaction of the committee.
6) Society members shall receive due notice of all society activities. A programme of events shall be drawn up by the executive committee and presented at the AGM for approval. The society year runs from September through to May.
7) The AGM of the society shall take place at the end of the society year. A quorum of the membership is required (see below). At this meeting, all existing officers and members of the executive committee shall resign their places (but may stand for re-election) after the annual report of the various officers has been delivered. A new committee shall then be re-elected at this meeting, voting being by simple majority. In the absence of the Chairman another officer of the committee shall preside.
8) The officers of the committee shall be as follows:
Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer and other officers as deemed necessary. In addition the committee shall
include two ordinary members. The committee shall, however, have the right to co-opt further members as the need arises.
Meetings of the committee shall be held regularly as decided by the committee. A quorum is required of two out of the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer plus one other.
Within the framework of these rules the officers of the committee shall have full jurisdiction over the society’s affairs and finances. Voting amongst the committee shall be by the simple majority and in the event of a tie the Chairman shall have the decisive vote.
9) All members of the society have the right to nominate persons to serve on the committee. Such nominations shall reach the secretary one month prior to the AGM and must be accompanied by the name of a seconder to that nomination. All members shall have the right to vote upon the election of a committee or upon any other issue raised at the AGM, and no voting procedure shall be adopted which precludes this opportunity.
10) Any dispute as to the interpretation of these rules must be referred to the committee whose decision is final.
Proposed amendments to these rules may only be effected by a majority vote at an AGM or an EGM convened for that purpose. Detailed notice of such proposed amendments must reach the secretary not later than one month preceding the AGM.
11) An EGM may be called with the backing of a minimum of the Society membership as per the quorum (see below) and must be arranged within 6 weeks of notification reaching the secretary. All members must be given full details of what is proposed for discussion at the EGM.
12) In the event of the society being wound up, all assets shall be held in trust by the retiring Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer until such time as a suitable society of similar charitable aims and objectives hopefully within the Folkestone / Dover / Deal / Sandwich area is formed.
A Quorum is defined as 10 members if the membership is below 50, or 20% of the membership if 50 or greater, up to a maximum of 18 members.
Drafted 20th October 1993, revised 6th December 1993 Accepted at AGM of the society on 5th February 1994 Quorum adjusted at AGM Jan 1997
AGM date changed at EGM 15th Dec 2001 Subscription Rule revised June 2012